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The general affairs department purchases a group of member's post tables
Group leader:Yang, Sun-Yu
Purchase the group:
Represent number : 06-2757575#50570 FAX: 06-2766405 



Name Telephone Duties
Yang, Sun-Yu 50571 To integrate Management the task of Department. 

Undertaking service/ supplies/lease procurement bidding. 

Chang, Che-Wen 50572
1. Undertaking equipment property procurement bidding;
2. Handling for imported education and research supplies exemption, Letter of credit, customs clearance delivery, money transfer…and so forth.       
3.Within purchase application write off, property management
Ho, Mei-Yi 50575 Assembling for Integrated Services of procurement acceptance.
Lin, Hui-Chen 50576 1. To assist the L.C Issuing
2. Receipt of the text registration
3. Group e-mail management
Zhang, Yu-Yan 50570 1. Service procurement tender notice online
2. Typing purchasing contract
3. To assist bid opening operation
Chen, Hsin-Hsu 56436 1. Property procurement tender notice online
2. Typing purchasing contract
3. Management of biding room
Kuo, Wun-Jiun 50578
1. Green Procurement
2. Priority purchase of physical and mental disorders
3. The most favorable standard case selecting operation
4. Direct purchasing from the foriegn
5. Joint Supply Contract
6. XCA Certificate Management
7. Routine meeting report information